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Roy Bingham 

Our fearless editor has asked me to comment on this most serious problem often confronting many men in our sport. Manfighters are not only dangerous but a complete financial loss as far as pit winners are concerned. 

There are two main types of manfighters; one is due to breeding, but with patience and proper handling ling will calm down enough to score or attach his opponent across the pit, rather than turn on the handler. These gamefowls usually become very normal with time and handling. The second type is made into a manfighter by catching his hens, impatience, and improper handling. The longer you fool with him the madder he gets. 

This type of Manfighter gets worse as he goes along and will reach a point of no return. He then will attack not only humans but cattle, horses, and anything that moves. Needless to say, he will always turn on the handler when pitted, giving the opposing cock a free shot at his back. Manfighters have a very poor win percentage and have a high percentage of runners. by and poor Their worth as brood cocks is doubtful.

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