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Gamefowl Pointing

The purpose of pointing is to hold the fowl once it has achieved its maximum fighting potential during the conditioning period. There are very few fights where all fowl in the show are actually on point. Numerous factors are involved. One, it depends on the length of time of the conditioning period. Two, the type and amount of exercise. Three, the overall health and nutritional status of each fowl among others.

Excercise Balancer Weights

If each fowl has been fed according to its needs, trained according to its physical potential and provided ample supplementation, one may draw a conclusion that his fowl has already reached its maximum fighting potential. That should not be the case as the objective of pointing is not only limited on the aforementioned factors. For one, there is this thing called proper timing.

The Three Critical Days

It is impossible to tell by the looks of the gamefowl that it is on point and ready to fight at its peak. Some fowl will respond to a conditioning program in a couple of weeks time, while others may take longer. What are the good indicators? 

From a biological and nutritional standpoint, it normally takes 4 weeks for a fowl to correct nutritional deficiencies through feeding and build up muscle tissues. If it suffered injuries and sickness, it could take a lot more. Therefore, for a good conditioning program, it should cover the whole period of nutritional development while giving room for muscle growth and recoveries from sickness and injuries.

Regardless of time allotted for conditioning period, at some point, it must stop but just prior to fight day. When? The best practice is three days prior. It is enough for muscle fibers to recover after strenuous exercises and replenish any lost nutrients and energy reserves. As it is true with any mammalian and avian species, the only one way to develop muscle mass is through exercise. However, it must be sustained with nutrition and recovery period.

The Three Critical days should be devoted to rest and good, easy-to-digest food rich in protein, carbohydrates and fats. While on rest, it is good for fowls to undergo light exercises to maintain flexibility and overcome muscle constriction. Try to minimize scratching by putting your fowl in a rooster tie cords rather than fly pens. Give food in feeding cups to prevent unnecessary movements. At night, place fowls in stalls or holding pens. A few flies (4 to 5) should be given in the morning and night to encourage good blood circulation.

Sparring Gloves

Fight Day

A gamefowl loses a great deal of glucose due to overnight fasting period. If not fed, it will drop its energy level and will fall off point by morning and probably until fight time. Hold the fowl at its maximum fighting potential without overworking its digestive system by timing the feed intake and through supplementation.

If fight time is at noon, give each fowl a teaspoon of pointing feed and 2 drops of Dragon Driver supplement. Upon arrival at the pit let each fowl clean out and stretch. At this time, give each fowl a few raisins and every hour  thereafter to keep the glucose level consistent. Give five drops of Dragon Driver supplement just upon taping of spurs unto chickens leg.

If the fight time is at night, give each fowl a teaspoon of pointing feed and few pecks of water in the morning and 2 drops of Dragon Driver supplement. Around noon or 6 or 7 hours until the start of competition give each fowl a teaspoon of Pointing Feed and a few pecks of water. Give five drops of Dragon Driver supplement just upon taping of spurs unto chickens leg.


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